News from Natalie

Acupuncture can help take your worries away…

Did you know that acupuncture is a useful tool for stress management?  An acupuncturist can select specific acupuncture points to instill calmness, improve sleep and energy.  They will perform an intake, and individualize a treatment plan for you.  A series of 6-10 half hour sessions follows weekly, then every 2-4 weeks.  Many people

Federal Government Exempts GST/HST on Services Provided by Naturopathic Doctors

Effective February 12, 2014, the services provided by naturopathic doctors are exempt of HST, as announced in the latest federal budget.  The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) has been lobbying the government for years.  As stated on their website, "The move will provide greater access for patients seeking a proactive approach to

Food Intolerance Tests

Are foods making you sick?  Inflammation and chronic activation of the immune system due to food intolerance has been linked to:  digestive disorders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, ADD, aching joints, skin disorders, arthritis, and many more... The immune system is a double-edged sword.  It should react appropriately and protect against infection when confronted

What is detoxification?

Dr. Natalie’s Naturopathic Detox Guidelines What is detoxification? Detoxification is the process of either clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing or transforming them.  Functionally, poor digestion, colon sluggishness and dysfunction, reduced liver function, and poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory tract, and skin all increase toxicity. A detoxification is a process which

Time to Fall Back – Preparing for Cold and Flu Season

Don't forget to change your clocks when you go to bed on Saturday night.  Daylight savings time ends this Sunday at 2 AM which means you'll get an extra hour to sleep in on Sunday. Fire safety officials like to point out that this is a good time to test and switch the

Far Infrared Sauna – Is it for you?

Far Infrared Sauna Detox, relax, lose weight the easy way with infrared... Many doctors now recommend an infrared sauna to their patients for a number of issues. Weight loss, blood pressure control, arresting and reducing high cholesterol levels and inflammation are some issues that benefit from use of the infra red sauna. Toxins

Natdoctor News Facebook Group

Hello everyone, I finally figured out how to add a Facebook Page link to this website.  Please join my Facebook Group Natdoctor News to stay connected to all the fun facts and updates to keep you informed about your health! Help me by sending this anyone who might be interested in naturopathic news

1st Annual Joe Carter & Friends Celebrity Golf Tournament

I was lucky to be invited by my good friends Ami and Jason Richter, co-founders of Lug Travel, to Joe Carter's 1st annual golf tournament.  Lug was a corporate sponsor for hole 11, and they provided their popular Shuttlebus bag to each participant.  I arrived early at Eagle's Nest Golf Club in Vaughan

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Spring is the time for detoxification, inside the body and outside in the environment.  On this day, take the advice of Matthew Chen, 7 years old, who says, "We have to go buy garbage bags and gloves and participate...for a cleaner earth".  We can all learn from him! In good

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